Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Film Festival Smart Commenting

Today in Room Two we have been learning how to make a quality blog comments. I learnt that to make a quality blog commernt you have to be positive, thoghtful and helpful to the person that you are comenting on ther blog post and we used the film festival videos to comment on.

We made a DLO wich had comments about different aspects of the films tha we watched. you can read thoese commernts on the slide that is enbeded below

Thursday, 23 April 2020

NZ Flag

hi this is my scratch projet of the nz flag that I made for anzac day. to use the flag click the arrow key down the flag will go down and then click the arrow key up and the flag will go up.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020



the first picture was rock climbing at jamboree   and it was one of the best activities there.
 the second lens is about the 2020 new years     party that 4000 people had at my jamboree                    camp it was amazing.

2 facts about sunglasses. You use sunglasses to protect your eyes from the suns uv rays and        for people that head them to see